Friday, November 11, 2011

Mirror, mirror, on the wall...

My earliest memory of Snow White was the Disney movie with the cute little Dwarves (Dwarfes, Dwarfs?) But as you may know the popular thing now in movie making is to mess around with old fairy tales, and as you may have guessed Snow White is next.

But here's the weird part.

There's not going to be one but TWO movies. Their release date just months apart.


Both films are in full scale production and scheduled to be released in  the spring of 2012. Mirror, Mirror and Snow White and the Huntsman however appear to be completely different stories.

Mirror, Mirror is a much darker twist on the classic, depicting Snow White and the Seven Dwarves taking back their destroyed kingdom. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, but I seriously doubt Snow White is going to be singing cute little birdies onto her finger,

Snow White and the Huntsman, is definitely not the cartoon you watched when you were a kid. And that's just going by the movie poster depicting Snow White in full armor sword and shield. However I may point out it doesn't appear as dark as it's counterpart, the story involves the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) being hired by the Evil Queen to hunt down Snow White. but winds up becoming her mentor.

Anyway that's my take on it, what's your perspective?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Two Steps from hell

I just found this group, they're have some pretty epic songs. I was surprised to find out they do a lot of music for movie and video game trailers. 

Sorry I don't have time for a longer post right now. Later!

Friday, November 4, 2011


"It really depends on your point of view..."

That is something i'm fond of saying, often to the chagrin of friends and family. I often follow that up by saying, "I only say it because it's true"

Needless to say, I have a very strange view on perception.

Perception is what guides us through life. Every day, every choice, by anyone, maybe people or things that we can't even see, hear, or smell, alters our perception a little bit. Therefore molding how we see the world.

What many so called "neutral" people have a hard time understanding is that they themselves are biased just like the rest of the world. They're not above influence, no one is.

The key to true "neutrality" as you might put it, is realizing that everyone has got a different point of view, and then embrace and work out the diversity without being so eager to smash the other persons perception.

But like I said, It really depends on your point of view...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Apples and Birthdays....

An apple a day keeps me away!

That's right, turns out I can't eat a whole apple with these braces of mine! I now despise having two beautiful apple trees in our back yard. Sigh, WHY ME?

Anyway, It's my birthday!

Happy birthday, to me! Happy birthday, to me! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to me!

Heehee, that's right! Birthday cake anyone? No? Yes? Maybe? Make up your mind!

Fine then, all the more for me! At any rate this is a fine day for me! However, I do wish all that schoolwork would go away....